Honor Roll of Our Alumni

  • Thomas Nativel - @zen_natyv

    - Former choreographer for french singers and french labels

    - Work internationnaly with Bollywood companies

    -Teacher ponctually in Universal Heroes Academy

    Trained in : Intense Workshop

    Trained in : Professional coaching

  • Rayane Recinos - @paco_rayane

    - Influencer, dancer and choreographer

    - Used to work with Universal Heroes Prod

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

  • Yasmine Ben Njima - @sea_sea23

    - Currently working with Universal Heroes Prod

    - Actress and singer

    - Actress in "Be Your Own hero" having rceived the price of

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

  • Gao - Kalee Jalao

    - Currently an artist Starseed'z

    - Used to work with Universal Heroes Prod

    - Actress in "Be Your Own hero" having rceived the price of

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

  • Ujon Schneider - @ujonartist

    - Currently working with Universal Heroes Prod

    - Dancer, choreographer

    - Teacher at Universal Heroes Academy

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Private singing classes

  • Paul Zhou - @helioslei

    - Accepted by JYP

    - Influencer, dancer

    - Used to work with Universal Heroes Prod

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

  • Anna Orsini - @huyannaa

    - Actress, model and singer

    - Lead role in "Be Your Own Hero" having received the price of

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

  • Camélia Khiar - @cameliaakr

    Actress and dancer at Universal Heroes Production

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

  • Taïsha Kemayou - @tae_kmt

    - Currently working with Universal Heroes Production

    - Finalist of the French Cup of K-POP Dance

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

    Trained in : K-POP BOOTCAMP

  • Yuna Grimbert - @yunaspirit

    - Currently working with Universal Heroes production

    - Dancer, singer and actress

    - Actress in "Be Your Own hero" having rceived the price of

    Trained in : artistic coaching

  • Clara Pichon - @ora_rtist

    - Used to work at Universal Heroes Prod

    - Model, Actress

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

  • Alisa Marian

    - Won Paris Survival 2024

    - Got accepted by Universal Heroes Production

    Trained in : The Trainees Program

  • Eldwina Tay-Yesso

    Got accepted at AICOM Paris

    Trained in : The Trainees Program

  • Armance Nicolas

    Trained in : Bootcamp K-POP

  • Coralie Hernandez

    - Currently creating her own artistic projet

    - Got accepted at NS Studio International

    Trained in : Intensive workshops

  • Maelys Mandane

    - Professional Back dancer

    - Parisian crews

    - Worked with Universal Heroes Production

    Trained in : Online Intensive Classes

    Trained in : artistic coaching

  • Emmyline Sok - @joyjoie.fr

    - Back dancer

    - Parisian crews

    - Worked with Universal Heroes Production

    Trained in : Online Intensive Classes

    Trained in : artistic coaching

  • Violette Hantute - @sumi_off

    - Singer, model, actress

    - Vocal coach

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

    Trained in : Private singing classes

  • Sarah Diaby

    Working in musicals

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes

  • Doriane Naigre

    Independant singer

    Trained in : artistic coaching

    Trained in : Online intensive classes